Saturday, November 10, 2018

Chapter Thirteen - Science and Magic

Noel was quite busy with working on science projects on the science research station that they had outfitted the bunker with. After all, cloning was a viable way of making sure that they didn't run out of food or certain gemstones with which they needed to make elixirs. As a matter of fact, much of the meat that they used would have to be cloned if they were going to end up riding out the nuclear winter.

And well, River and Haruo decided to get right busy and start off the restoring the world population with some rather intricate woohoo. was good and they got clean at the same time.

Certainly the world population needed to increase and well, as the survivors of the nuclear war, River and Haruo needed to do what they could to bring the human race back from the brink of extinction and if that meant plenty of the fun stuff, then fine and dandy.

Of course there was plenty to do, Noel and Phil both decided to take up science in order to be able to make sure there were plenty of people who could do scientific research and clone samples if necessary. Then of course the ladies decided to study alchemy and master it so that they would be able to defend the bunker magically, since anybody who was able to feel the change in the metaphysical world could sense that there was something different. For most it set them on edge, nervous, yet excited about the new possibilities. The mixing of science and magic would be quite a change from the mundane.

It was like a cosmic shooting gallery topside...periodically there would be a meteor that impacted the ground setting off a nasty explosion and leaving those unfortunate to be within the blast radius either singed or expecting a meeting with the Grim Reaper and unfortunately for some, the latter was what usually transpired.

Everyone did what they had to do in order to help themselves survive. Mickey studied his inventing skills, lots of alchemy was studied by the women, Phil studied science and Haruo studied robotics. At least it kept them busy. Because who knew how long they had to wait out the radiation.

...and what sort of world would they come out to? What sort of creatures frequented the environment and what sort of reception would they receive. It would probably be better for them if they prepared themselves for the worst.

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