Friday, November 16, 2018

Chapter Twenty - Amanda Ages Up

When Amanda aged up to toddler, everyone celebrated - even the plumbots. After all, the plumbots were considered part of the family, so, naturally, they were included in the celebrations. Little Amanda, with her golden blonde hair, aged up into an adorable toddler.

Of course, as a toddler, they couldn't partake of the cake unless it was put in a blender for them to eat. But she would get her opportunity to do so when she aged up to child. It appeared as though the geiger counters were starting to show a slight dip in the background radiation form the fallout, however, Haruo had determined that they wouldn't set foot outside until they were absolutely certain of the situation topside. little Amanda got to celebrate her toddler-hood in the bunker.

Meanwhile a few false snow-falls had alerted Haruo and the rest of the bunker as to the nuclear winter to come. And considering the fact that world-wide temperatures had plummeted at least two degrees in the days after the bomb-blasts, it was certain that it would fall even farther.

The Eight did what they had to do in order to keep their sanity intact - played games, did scientific research and other things. They needed to maintain a sort of normalcy around the complex or they would go absolutely crazy and they didn't need for cabin fever to start setting in, even though all were feeling a little unsettled.


...and the snow continued to fall.

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